Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Are Kids Growing up too Fast?

It's all over the web.  Kids are growing up too fast!  They are acting too mature!
The Pre-Tween Years-How to Keep your kids from growing up too fast

Whatever Happened to Childhood?

Modern Childhood ends at age 12

     Most of the concerns with kids growing up too fast is obvious-- wearing revealing clothing or make up a young age, dating at a young age, maybe smoking or drinking underage, becoming concerned with personal appearance.

      Ok, I get that none of those things are good.  But, since when do those things make you "grown up"?  As far as I can tell, none of those things signal real maturity, even in adults.  Therefore, I have a different point of view.

   Kids aren't growing up too fast.  They aren't growing up fast enough!  In ways that really make someone mature.  Such as thinking of someone else instead of yourself, putting the needs of others ahead of your own.  Taking responsibility for your own actions, and being self-motivated in studies and hobbies.  Being kind to others, and respectful to elders and family members. 
   THESE are the things that show that you are "growing up".  Not whether you get to wear make-up, or go to the movies unchaperoned. 

We should be encouraging our children to grow up, to "act mature"... that is, real maturity.  The maturity that is gained by taking our Christian faith seriously and becoming more like Him everyday.


1 comment:

Unknown said...


I have just started homeschooling my kids in Moshi, Tanzania. They were in ISM but I was unhappy with it and its fees and now that I have got into home schooling, I am amazed at how I ever let teachers decide how to bring up my kids!

Anyway, I am looking to join or create a network of homeschoolers in Northern Tanzania so that the kids can have a full social side of life. I wonder if you are part of such a network or you could recommend me to one?

Would be nice to meet up some time with the kids.

Please contact me at Bwananick.sales@gmail.com

