Friday, March 7, 2014


I have to say that one thing that I LOVE about living in Tanzania and homeschooling the kids, is that it has developed the trait of resourcefulness and frugality in my kids and me.

       What do I mean by that?  Let me give a few examples.

*My daughters will get out old coloring books that are already colored in and "re-color" then so they look nicer.

*My oldest daughter can bake cookies and cakes from scratch without any help from me.

*The kids will play the same video game on the Wii for months on end, even beating it several times.

*They will watch the same movies over and over and read the same books over and over again.

*We never throw away any cereal boxes or other boxes, toilet paper rolls, or glass food jars because we might need them in an art project!

*I've learned to cook everything from scratch here, including maple syrup, root beer soda, and granola. 

*My oldest daughter will take old clothes that don't fit her anymore, and cut them up and then sew doll clothes with them.

Yesterday was raining, so the kids invented games to play inside.
Jonathan "bowled" with water bottles and a cloth ball.           
 Heather played hopscotch using the tiles on the floor as squares.
           Tanzanians are also very resourceful, and are always making it work with what they have available.  We didn't have a mop, so our house girl took a towel, and used it mop with.  (It's actually the preferred way of mopping here.)  They are great at seeing what is available, and making use of it.

      This mentality is the opposite of the attitude that says, "Just buy a new one" or "Just buy  _____" when you could have made it, or done with something you already have. 
    So... do a puzzle you have in the closet you haven't pulled out in years.  Re-read that book you loved in high school.  Bake a cake from scratch!  Take time today to slow down and appreciate what you already have.

1 comment:

nihal said...

Yes, one of the things I realized when we first arrive was the same thing. We have to make do what we have on hand. Some times even the simplest things can be a foreign thing here. By the way maple syrup? Are there any maple trees in where you are?

P.S: found your blog while searching homeschooling in Tanzania. I have questions to ask...